*do not use soap for the first 12 hours. Cold water may be used after 20 mins post application.
Do not scrub or exfoliate the skin for 2 weeks
You should start peeling in 2-3 days for the face
One week if the peel was applied to the body
Do not pick or pull the peeling skin
No heavy exercise for the first 3 days post peel, and the firtst 3 days after you start peeling
Do not use hot water or steam (open shower door, and/or window when showering)
Wash area with only sensitive skin cleanser
Use only oil-free products for 2 weeks (to prevent breakouts)
Use SPF 50+ in the sun (oil-free)
re-apply SPF every 2 hours
Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 3 weeks
Do not use any harsh chemicals on the skin (acids, toners, alcohols)
*Use oil-free moisturizer throughout the entire peeling process, especially if the skin feels tight or dry.
Enjoy your peel!
Any questions call SMPByKara at 718-650-7176